Monday 27 January 2014


I have been hiding in 2013, trying to figure out what the coyotes I want to do in 2014. Its been nearly one month and I have been dancing with the devils of 2013, that was one jinxed and f***ed up year.

Finally I have what I want to do, figured out in 2014, im sure you are dying to know what my personal agreements are with my demons this year because you haven't written yours, Its alright! I know you haven't put it on paper, lazy ass!

Alright, Thunderbolt, I mean.... Drum roll!!!!!!!

I shall not look at things I want and not get them, I love cars, sports cars especially and I intend to get one sweet ride, im kinda tired of my old junk, its time I let her go.

I shall not stare at ridiculously handsome guys and do nothing about it..... Nooo this girl has grown balls and horns, I see something looking hot, im charging like bull on Viagra and coke!

No broke ass guys, im too grown for that, I had hustled too long to settle for less. Im positioning myself for the grand fabulous life and grand don't come cheap!


No freaking casual sex, that's so 2013, who does that? when I feel I’ve connected with someone that gets my nether regions all juicy my bullshit tolerance level goes through the roof! This year, I want to be better at putting my foot down and not accepting half ass texts and dick pics as proper dating courtship. Proper dinners, dating activities that don't entail house activities, movies in the house is history, dinner in the house all dead and buried, that is a very cheap date which only qualifies on the 25th date, clubbing isn't a date, the only clubbing im doing is between myself and a golf ball after a trip down to exclusive golf courses in a jet!


I always lose out on a lot of fun stuff because of my temper, when you are working with a perfectionist, our temper is like a delicate little thread waiting to snap. I will keep my temper under wraps but don't just tempt me..... I will get into a fight.


Yes, I want to learn from the holy grail of sex, im getting into a meaningful relationship and normal sex has become boring, imagine 100 positions to experiment with, ahh the magic mountain, Glowing Juniper, crouching tiger and the peg. Hmmmmh, you wanna goggle, I dare you, infact lets learn together and exchange notes


Nope, im not going to do crazy diets or starve, im going to eat healthy and hit the gym. Not to lose weight! to get my tummy flat and tighten my arms. Not putting high expectations since I have learnt to accept my curves.


I spent to much time on irrelevant stuff last year, im choosing the artist in me this year, Record my music, talent management and events is all im doing. I need to start making that money and mad money.


Shhh i hear tiny feet.......................................... that's all im saying!

8: GET A LIFE...... I MEAN YOU......

I need to stop being so personal and gross on this blog.Yeah right! then where shall you get all the nasty juicy details of stuff folks don't wanna talk about! lets be real! keep it real..... hmm I like that, maybe I should always sign out like that.

Miss Di, lets be real, keep it real.

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