Monday, 30 September 2013


I hate visitors on a Sunday evening because that is the only time I have to get my hair looking right , my nails done and my entire mind ready for Monday. So and I got a visit from a friend whom I casually dated two years ago at 7:00 pm I was fuming with my ears chucking hot steam, my routine had been disrupted.

I hugged him, noticed the smell of alcohol on he's breath, hmmmm reminds me the reason why we weren't together, yeah the drinking....we were in a stupor most of the times and that was what had jelled us together at that time, until i wrote my bucket list(well im not dying) ok wish list for 2013.

1.Dropped all my bad relationships (done)
2. Slept under the stars
3.  Said "I love you" and meant it (done)
4. Gone to a huge sports game  (done)
5. Gone skinny dipping
6. Danced like a fool and not cared who was watching
7. Kissed in the rain
8.Won a competition (done)
9.Recorded a least one song (done)
10.Organised one major event (done partially)
11.spoke in a business conference (in November)
12. Mentored at least 70 people (done)
13. Joined the rotary (done)
14. Dyed or cut my hair (done, I have a very interesting story on that)
15.Brought the best out of people (hmmm, didn't know what i meant then)
16. Sang with a band
17.Gone for camping
18. Driven a rally car
19. Go out of the country for 2 weeks
20. Found a new purpose for 2014

Wow, i only did 10 out of 20 but the year has three months to go and hopefully i will meet my wish list, it wasn't so ridiculous writing one considering i was super high when i wrote this.

What was your wish list for 2013?

To my dear friends please don't visit me on Sundays lest you have me looking horrible like i do this Lovely Monday.

Miss Di


Yes don't be shocked or act like you have never been to an online dating site. Well if you haven't! something is wrong with you.......


So I was out there in the www searching for Mr Right and hoping to make a connection.  I took some wonderful pictures and placed them on a dating site, stated what I liked and what my preferred Mr Right should be like ....Then I waited....

Messages started bleeping from all over and for a minute I thought cupid was on overdrive sending me all these suitors, I couldn't  respond to all of them but I tried.

The conversations were very dodgy after the hello niceties and I kept asking these men if they were single and shock on me, majority of the guys my age were married which was annoying and then the guys slightly younger wanted to get with an older woman because they seemed so mature!

The married men obviously wanted to be more than friends and asked whether I had issues being friends.... Off course I had issues being 'friends'! I was looking for a single guy about my age!!!!!!

I thought for a minute to indulge with a younger guy like Tina Turner Or JLO but I couldn't stand the shallow, needy, insecure conversations so that wouldn't work either.

The above types aren't so bad to handle but the craziest are the guys who jump straight into erotic conversations and I tend to wander what is going on behind that screen, I get disgusted by these men, I wander whether they are bold enough to tell a woman some of the things they post online.

Well let my experience not be the end of online dating for you, maybe someone is waiting for you in the www. but just be cautious.

For me, im going back to the good old planned bumping people on the streets and hopefully cupid will shoot an arrow along some dashing mans way and I might meet the man ...... I can tolerate.

Miss Di

Thursday, 26 September 2013


Lots of single women get very lonely especially when they have to go home to an empty house.

The weekends are even brutal when you have nothing to do, no one to call and no one calling you.

So here are a few people you should have in your life just in case the shadows of loneliness start to check in
Some very old friendships don’t require those constant catch-ups, which is a refreshing change from the current friends you are in constant text communication with

The cool older woman. Perhaps it is the youngish aunt who first bought you beer, or your awesomely wise former professor who currently has your dream career. Someone who treats you to nice dinners, shares their wisdom, and would totally drive you to get an abortion if you asked them.

  A non-dude bartender you’re on a first-name basis with. The male counterpart can veer into making-out-outside territory, especially if you are pounding ‘em down over a guy. But a female bartender can sympathize with your troubles and hand you a free shot.

The single, independent, slightly older woman. She’s cool with waiting until she’s 40 to find her life partner, and she doesn’t believe in traditional marriage. She does, however, believe in going to movies on weeknights.

The truth-talker. She’ll tell you what’s up, even if you don’t want to hear it. That skirt makes you look pregnant. That thing you retweeted from that asshole guy you like wasn’t funny.

The shameless hustler. One of those women who Leans In so hard that she almost falls on her face. She uses the cringe-worthy phrase “personal brand” in personal conversation. While you might not be as unabashedly self-promotional as she is, you can probably take a cue from her and be a little pushier professionally.

And finally, the best friend. Obviously. Not a frenemy, not a talk-behind-your-back friend, not a friend of convenience, but a true BFF. You won't make it without her. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Sometimes the stress of being in a relationship is tasking for me.

I have a friend whom I meet for a nice chat, dinner and drinks.

He comes over to my place and we have sex. We have a mutual attraction and we are platonic friends .

Emotions are not part of the deal but the situation becomes rather complicated the day after, we thank each other for a wonderful night and we constantly chat with each other and he says the nicest things but after two days we are over the rush until the next encounter.

The question is, are we as humans capable of having relationships without any emotional attachments?

What works for me... I guess is that I am honest with myself and I have no expectations from this guy, I know that I am not in a relationship with him and I don't intend to be in one with him. Sounds heartless but the truth is, I set ground rules with my head heart and emotions, no attachment and so far so good.

I normally have an internal joke when im on a date and most guys ask, so what do you do when you have the urge? They probably don't want to listen to that internal joke or they would bail. BUZZZ

Miss Di



Mum please don't read this! just warning you in advance.....

There is a meeting in my bedroom and I intend to have a good meeting, everyone is going to come out of this meeting satisfied, very happy and probably tired.

The longer you pretend to be happy and comfortable in a sexual situation and you’re not, the more it builds resentment between you and your partner. Then you wait, and six months or a year later, they find out you were faking it and they’re thinking, well why didn’t you say something before? You’re really doing yourselves a disservice. It’s really important to guide your partner in the right direction because orgasms are such an integral part of having a healthy relationship. If your partner is the only one reaching an orgasm, then the whole experience is going to be less intense for both parties.

Most men are clueless about how to please a woman especially on the first night , yes he is wandering just like you how to go about it, from when he kisses you to when he starts to undress you.
Honestly speaking my first time is my favorite moment because I know exactly what I want. I pull the stops on the first encounter, I prefer my bed because I know the sheets are clean, I select the music, sexy slow music with sensual instrumentals though I prefer dance hall music so that I can whine and twerk.the massage oils and candles, set the mood right!

Honest conversation about some of the things that you like is Key. It doesn’t have to be a heavy conversation about how they don’t do this or they don’t do that, but it’s really important to guide your partner in the right direction because orgasms are such an integral part of having a healthy relationship. If your partner is the only one reaching an orgasm, then the whole experience is going to be less intense for both parties.

 A woman has an opportunity to introduce toys and do the things she needs to do to make sure that that [orgasms] start to happen. She can introduce certain toys or other things that might help her reach an orgasm. Over time a couple will start to feel more comfortable together, rather than her feeling like her job is just to lie there and service his needs.

Men learn how to use your tongue, women have learnt the art so its only fair you return the favor. Your hands aren't for gripping, use those fingers get them wet and please don't wipe of the wet fingers on the sheets after a woman comes, use the towel. Please note that if a woman gets dry or the condom is dry, its time to get out and get the woman wet again because you are clearly doing the wrong thing and her screaming doesn't necessarily mean she likes it, check her vagina for wetness and when we women are happy our nipples are hard.

I enjoy sex more now that im not afraid to tell the guy how to lick my nipples, kiss certain parts of my body, rub my vagina and lick it. if the guy is too engrossed with he's own satisfaction whip out the toys and please yourself.

Don't fake it, sex it!

Miss Di



Most of the girls my age are single and have no kids or single mothers!

Getting a decent date with a decent guy in Nairobi especially is a myth.
An average guys ideal date is in a bar and trust me I have dated quiet a few guys and the first place they think of is to dash into a bar for drinks, some would suggest a coffee joint but never a restaurant and they are many restaurants in Nairobi.
The last date I went on was a blind date, somewhere on Koinage street and the place played loud music ,i found him drinking coffee and as soon as I showed up he switched to a drink, I was also expecting dinner but the guy orders chicken wings and was very specific about no chips. I was tempted to ask for an expensive drink so that I could get over and done with the date but being classy I decided I would ask to leave after the conversation turned sexual. I'm then asked how much alcohol I can take to get high and I say four bottles, which is an absolute lie, I never get drunk in public so I take a brand that has very little alcoholic content and watch a man stressing about my sobriety
Yes I live by myself and no my house isn't a whore den, I have refused to take guys back home since in the past guys were so eager to come and 'cook for me' I don't buy that line anymore and I'm very specific if you want to walk me to my door.... when I turn around and open my door, its goodbye and goodnight.
Can you loan me some money, oh how many time have I heard that line! Its really tiresome for guys to boldly ask me for money and expect some later! the classic one is the business deals, can I use your house for a business meeting or I would like one of your rooms to keep my stuff because I don't have storage. No you don't pay my rent so please go hire a place and store your wares or conduct business meetings.
The classic one is the guy who wants to borrow your car for errands or going out since he doesn't have a car! or he's car is on stand still from that drunken crush, I just shake my head and move on.
So if you don't have the above qualities, give me a ring and lets start a conversation and no I am not interested in married men.
Miss Di

Foods to Set the Vrooom

Not having great sex? Surprisingly, one of the fastest way to give your libido a boost is to change your diet. Here’s a handy little guide to the foods with frisky benefits.
Some of the foods to keep your engine on restart?

Water Melons
They contain an amino acid called citrulline that increases your sex drive by relaxing your blood vessels.

If he’s coming over for a late night movie and snack, you may want to add avocados to the menu. They’re packed with vitamin E, which your body uses to produce estrogen and other hormones that help with lubrication.


This one’s a no-brainer for sure: chocolate is the king of natural aphrodisiacs. It contains phenylethylamine, which is frequently known as “the love chemical,” because it releases dopamine in the pleasure centre's of the brain and peaks during orgasms


Their aroma is said to arouse passion, but technically speaking, scientists say that almonds provide high doses of vitamin E, magnesium and even fibre, which can help with hormone stimulation


If you’re not using raw garlic when you cook, it’s time to add it to your seasoning line up. Garlic contains allicin, which is thought to increase blood flow to sexual organs.


Bananas aren’t just great cures for morning hangovers, they can do wonders for your sex drive too. If you want to have more intense orgasms look to these little yellow guys to give you a boost of potassium to increase your muscle strength.


Want to make things really hot and spicy in the bedroom? Look to chilies to help get the job done. They’re loaded with capsaicin, a chemical that releases endorphins that feed your libido and help to increase blood flow.


Histamine helps to increase sex drive, which Vitamin B helps produce. Asparagus is filed with Vitamin B and the perfect side dish for your next intimate dinner plans.

Miss Di