Thursday, 26 September 2013


Lots of single women get very lonely especially when they have to go home to an empty house.

The weekends are even brutal when you have nothing to do, no one to call and no one calling you.

So here are a few people you should have in your life just in case the shadows of loneliness start to check in
Some very old friendships don’t require those constant catch-ups, which is a refreshing change from the current friends you are in constant text communication with

The cool older woman. Perhaps it is the youngish aunt who first bought you beer, or your awesomely wise former professor who currently has your dream career. Someone who treats you to nice dinners, shares their wisdom, and would totally drive you to get an abortion if you asked them.

  A non-dude bartender you’re on a first-name basis with. The male counterpart can veer into making-out-outside territory, especially if you are pounding ‘em down over a guy. But a female bartender can sympathize with your troubles and hand you a free shot.

The single, independent, slightly older woman. She’s cool with waiting until she’s 40 to find her life partner, and she doesn’t believe in traditional marriage. She does, however, believe in going to movies on weeknights.

The truth-talker. She’ll tell you what’s up, even if you don’t want to hear it. That skirt makes you look pregnant. That thing you retweeted from that asshole guy you like wasn’t funny.

The shameless hustler. One of those women who Leans In so hard that she almost falls on her face. She uses the cringe-worthy phrase “personal brand” in personal conversation. While you might not be as unabashedly self-promotional as she is, you can probably take a cue from her and be a little pushier professionally.

And finally, the best friend. Obviously. Not a frenemy, not a talk-behind-your-back friend, not a friend of convenience, but a true BFF. You won't make it without her. 

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