Monday, 30 September 2013


I hate visitors on a Sunday evening because that is the only time I have to get my hair looking right , my nails done and my entire mind ready for Monday. So and I got a visit from a friend whom I casually dated two years ago at 7:00 pm I was fuming with my ears chucking hot steam, my routine had been disrupted.

I hugged him, noticed the smell of alcohol on he's breath, hmmmm reminds me the reason why we weren't together, yeah the drinking....we were in a stupor most of the times and that was what had jelled us together at that time, until i wrote my bucket list(well im not dying) ok wish list for 2013.

1.Dropped all my bad relationships (done)
2. Slept under the stars
3.  Said "I love you" and meant it (done)
4. Gone to a huge sports game  (done)
5. Gone skinny dipping
6. Danced like a fool and not cared who was watching
7. Kissed in the rain
8.Won a competition (done)
9.Recorded a least one song (done)
10.Organised one major event (done partially)
11.spoke in a business conference (in November)
12. Mentored at least 70 people (done)
13. Joined the rotary (done)
14. Dyed or cut my hair (done, I have a very interesting story on that)
15.Brought the best out of people (hmmm, didn't know what i meant then)
16. Sang with a band
17.Gone for camping
18. Driven a rally car
19. Go out of the country for 2 weeks
20. Found a new purpose for 2014

Wow, i only did 10 out of 20 but the year has three months to go and hopefully i will meet my wish list, it wasn't so ridiculous writing one considering i was super high when i wrote this.

What was your wish list for 2013?

To my dear friends please don't visit me on Sundays lest you have me looking horrible like i do this Lovely Monday.

Miss Di

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